University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Last Edit Date: 01/29/2023
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This personal note is adapted from Professor Amir Kamil, Andrew DeOrio, James Juett, Sofia Saleem, and Saquib Razak. Please contact us to delete this file if you think your rights have been violated.
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Keyword¶The const
keyword is a type quantifier that we can add to declarations to tell the complier that we do not intend for some value to change or be changeable.
forbids assignment. However, const
can be used in initialization.
Declaration of const
int const * arr[6];
is an array of 6 pointers to int const)
const int * arr[6];
is an array of 6 pointers to const int)
The two declations above work the same.
pointer: The pointer value (an address) itself cannnot change.
1 int x = 3; 2 int * const ptr = &x;
Try it out
: The object which pointed by the pointer cannot change.
1 int x = 3; 2 int const * ptr = &x; 3 const int * ptr = &x;
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1 int x = 3; 2 int &y = x; 3 y = 10; // legal, changes x too
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int x = 3; int const &y = x; y = 10; // error x = 10; // still legal
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Conversions¶The compiler will only allow a function to be called on a const
object if the parameters also include the necessary const
qualification to continue protecting that object. Essentially, only functions that "promise" not to change their parameters are allowed to be called on const
The following is an example about const
1 void array_func_1(const int *arr); 2 void array_func_2(int *arr); 3 void int_func_3(int a); 4 5 int main() { 6 const int arrA[4] = {1, 3, 2, 6}; 7 int arrB[3] = {5, 5, 5}; 8 const int num = 3; 9 10 array_func_1(arrA); // ok 11 array_func_1(arrB); // ok 12 array_func_2(arrA); // error 13 array_func_2(arrB); // ok 14 int_func_3(num); // ok 15 }
We can define a new compound object type via a struct definition.
The strut
definition contains member variable declarations.
We define objects as instance of that type and use them in the program.
Individual members are accessed vias the .
operator (also called the "member access operator").
If a struct
object is const-qualified, that forbids assignment to the struct as a whole and also forbids assignment to its individual members. That fits with the idea of const as "this shouldn't change".
and struct
For example, assume obj
is a Person
object and ptr
is a Person*
pointer that points to that object. Then you would access the person's age as either:
Use the .
for objects and ->
for pointers.
Try it out
¶If you need to modify the original object, use pass-by-pointer or pass-by-reference.
If you don't modify the original object, use pass-by-pointer-to-const or pass-by-reference-to-const. This protects against accidental modification but more importantly also ensures your function can actually be called on const objects.
Only use pass-by-value for fundamental objects (e.g. int
, double
, etc.) or very small compound objects. If the objects are large (e.g. string
, vector
, your own custom struct
s, etc.), pass-by-value makes an expensive and unnecessary copy.