The Rule of The Big Three Copy Constructor Assignment Operator Destructors and Polymorphism <- Go BackUniversity of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Last Edit Date: 03/31/2023
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We need a deep copy if an object owns and manages any resources (ex: dynamic memory). If a constructor creates dynamic memory, we probably need the big three. If some of the members are pointers, we might need the big three.
Copy Constructor
Copy regular members from other
Deep copy resources from other
Assignment Operator
Check for self-assignment
Free old resources
Copy regular members from the right hand side
Deep copy resources from the right hand side
return *this
All objects have the big three. If we do not provide a custom version, the compiler will provide implicitly defined versions.
Implicit destructor
Implicit copy constructor
Implicit assignment operator
Shallow Copy
A constructor is always called when a class-type object is created (except for C-style ADTs when the members are initialized directly).
Copy initialization of a class-type object also invokes a constructor, specifically the copy constructor for the class. The following is an example of explicitly defining a copy constructor:
1 class Example {
2 public:
3 Example(int x_in, double y_in)
4 : x(x_in), y(y_in) {}
6 Example(const Example &other)
7 : x(other.x), y(other.y) {
8 cout << "Example copy ctor: " << x << ", " << y << endl;
9 }
11 int get_x() const {
12 return x;
13 }
15 double get_y() const {
16 return y;
17 }
19 private:
20 int x;
21 double y;
22 };
The second constructor above (lines 6 to 9) is the copy constructor, and it takes a reference to an existing object as the parameter.
The parameter must be passed by reference – otherwise, a copy will be done to initialize the parameter, which itself will invoke the copy constructor, which will call the copy constructor to initialize its parameter, and so on.
The following a test code:
1 int main() {
2 Example e1(2, -1.3);
3 Example e2 = e1; // Example copy ctor: 2, -1.3
4 Example e3(e1); // Example copy ctor: 2, -1.3
5 }
Try it out:
The program invokes the copy constructor to initialize both e2
and e3
from e1
The C++ compiler provides an implicit copy constructor if a user-defined one is not present. The implicit copy constructor does a member-by-member copy.
In our example, the implicit copy is the same as we defined, which is as following:
Example(const Example &other)
: x(other.x), y(other.y) {}
However, the implicit copy constructor can result in a shallow copy in some cases such as when we have members as pointers. Take the UnsortedIntSet
as an example:
1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
4 const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 2;
6 class UnsortedIntSet {
7 public:
8 UnsortedIntSet()
9 : elts(new int[DEFAULT_CAPACITY]),
10 capacity(DEFAULT_CAPACITY),
11 elts_size(0) {}
13 ~UnsortedIntSet() {
14 delete[] elts;
15 }
17 void insert(int v) {
18 if (contains(v)) {
19 return;
20 }
21 if (elts_size == capacity) {
22 grow();
23 }
24 elts[elts_size] = v;
25 ++elts_size;
26 }
28 void remove(int v) {
29 if (!contains(v)) {
30 return;
31 }
32 elts[indexOf(v)] = elts[elts_size - 1];
33 --elts_size;
34 };
36 bool contains(int v) const{
37 return indexOf(v) != -1;
38 }
40 int size() const{
41 return elts_size;
42 }
44 void print(ostream &os) const {
45 os << "{" << " ";
46 if (elts_size > 0){
47 os << elts[0];
48 }
49 for(int i = 1; i < elts_size; ++i){
50 os << ", " << elts[i];
51 }
52 os << " }" << endl;
53 }
55 private:
56 int *elts;
57 int elts_size;
58 int capacity;
59 void grow() {
60 int *new_arr = new int[2 * capacity];
61 for (int i = 0; i < elts_size; i++){
62 new_arr[i] = elts[i];
63 }
64 capacity *= 2;
65 delete[] elts;
66 elts = new_arr;
67 }
69 int indexOf(int v) const{
70 for(int i = 0; i < elts_size; ++i){
71 if(elts[i] == v){
72 return i;
73 }
74 }
75 return -1;
76 }
77 };
79 ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const UnsortedIntSet &s) {
80 s.print(os);
81 return os;
82 }
Note: The C++ compiler will use the implicit copy constructor for us.
The following is the test code:
1 int main() {
2 UnsortedIntSet s1;
3 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
4 s1.insert(i);
5 }
6 UnsortedIntSet s2(s1);
7 cout << s1 << endl; // prints { 0, 1, 2 }
8 cout << s2 << endl; // prints { 0, 1, 2 }
9 s2.insert(5); // causes a grow
10 cout << s2 << endl; // prints { 0, 1, 2 5 }
11 cout << s1 << endl; // UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR
12 }
Try it out:
Note that both s1
and s2
point to the same elts
. As you may notice, since we have s2.insert(5)
, which creates a new array and deletes the old one. However, s1
accessed the old, deleted array, resulting in undefined behavior. The following two pictures show the idea.
Deep Copy
The fundamental problem is that the implicitly defined member-by-member copy is a shallow copy: it copies the pointer to the array of elements, rather than following it and copying the array as a whole.
This violates the representation invariant that each set has its own array. Instead, we need a deep copy, where we make a copy of the underlying resource rather than having the two sets share the same resource.
To obtain a deep copy, we need to provide a custom implementation of the copy constructor:
1 UnsortedIntSet(const UnsortedIntSet &other)
2 : elts(new int[other.capacity]),
3 capacity(other.capacity),
4 elts_size(other.elts_size) {
5 for (int i = 0; i < elts_size; ++i) {
6 elts[i] = other.elts[i];
7 }
8 }
Let's use the same test code to see how it works.
Try it out:
Rather than copying the elts
pointer, we initialize the new set's member to point to the start of a dynamic array of the same capacity as other
's. The members that don't represent resources are just copied directly (capacity
and elts_size
The body of the constructor copies each element from the old set to the new one. The following picture shows the idea.