University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Last Edit Date: 06/05/2023
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i. Introduction
A graph consist of nodes (sometimes called vertices) connected together by edges.
Each node can contian some data.
A tree is:
a connected graph (nodes + edges) without cycles
a graph where any 2 nodes are connected by a unique shortest path (the two defenitions are equivalent)
In a directed tree, we can identify child and parent relationships between nodes.
In a binary tree, a node has at most two children.
ii. Types of Trees
(Simple) Tree
Acyclic connected graph
Considered undirected
Rooted Tree
A simple tree with a selected node (root)
All edges are directed away from root
Any node could be selected as root.
iii. Tree Terminology
v. Data Representation
template <class Item>
sturct Node {
Node *left;
Node *right;
Item item;
A node contains some information, and points to its left child node and right child node
Can also include a pointer for parent node
Can include pointers to 3 children, or a vector of pointers
Efficient for moving down a tree from parent to child
vi. Trees are Recursive Structures
Any subtree is just as much a "tree" as the original!
v. Tree Properties
height(empty) = 0
height(node) = max(height(left_child), height(right_child)) + 1
size(empty) = 0
size(node) = size(left_child) + size(right_child) + 1
depth(empty) = 0
depth(node) = depth(parent) + 1
i. Complete (Binary) Trees
Binary tree: every node has 2 or fewer children
Complete binary tree: every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible
ii. Data Representation: Complete Binary Trees
A complete binary tree can be stored efficiently in a growable array (i.e. vector) by indexing nodes according to level-ordering.
The completeness ensures no gaps in the array
We index starting at 1 because it makes some math work out better
To gracefully achieve 1-based indexing with a 0-indexed vector, you can just add a dummy element position 0 and ignore it
Given the index of a node at position $i$ in the tree, then
The index of $i$'s parent is: $(i - 1) / 2$
The index of $i$'s left child is: $2i + 1$
The index of $i$'s right child is: $2i + 2$
iii. Heap-Ordered Trees, Heaps
Heap-ordered: A tree is (max) heap-ordered if each node's priority is not greater than the priority of the node's parent.
A heap is a set of nodes with keys arranges ina complete heap-ordered tree, represented as an array.
Property: No node in a heap has a key larger than the root's key.
Heap: A heap has two crucial properties (representation invariants):
iv. Executive Summary
Loose definition: data structure that gives easy access to the most extreme element (ex: maximum or minimum)
"Max Heap": heap with largest element begin the "most extreme"
"Min Heap": heap with smallest element being the "most extreme"
Heaps use complete (binary) trees as underlying structure, but are often implemented using arrays.
We use fixUp()
to perform a bottom-up fix when the priority of an item in the heap is increased.
1 void fixUp(Item heap[], int k) {
2 while (k > 1 && heap[k / 2] < heap[k]) {
3 swap(heap[k], heap[k / 2]);
4 k /= 2;
5 }
6 }
Pass index k of array element with increased priority
Swap the node's key with the parent's key until:
the node has no parent (it is the root)
the node's parent has higher (or equal) priority key
Example: An Decreasing Priority
Decrease key at heap[2]
from 18 to 3.
We use fixDown()
to perform a top-down fix when the priority of an item in the heap is decreased.
1 void fixDown(Item heap[], int heapsize, int k) {
2 while (2 * k <= heapsize) {
3 int j = 2;
4 if (j < heapsize && heap[j] < heap[j + i]) ++j;
5 if (heap[k] >= heap[j]) break;
6 swap(heap[k], heap[j]);
7 k = j;
8 }
9 }
Pass index k of array element with decreased priority
Exchange the key in the given node with the highest priority key among the node's children, moving down until:
the node has no children (leaf node)
the node has no children with a higher key
i. Introduction
A priority queue is a data structure that supports three basic operations:
: Insertion of a new item
: Inspection of the highest priority item
: Removal of the item with the highest priority
PQ essential for upcoming algorithms (ex: shorest-path, Dijkstra's algorithm)
PQ useful for past and current algorithms (ex: heapsort, sorting in reverse order)
Priority queues are often implemented using heaps because insertion / removal operations have the same time complexity.
ii. Insertion
Insertion operation must maintain heap invariants: max (or min) element must be root
1 void push(Item newItem) {
2 heap[++heapsize] = newItem;
3 fixUp(heap, heapsize);
4 }
Insert newItem
into bottom of tree / heap (i.e. last element)
"bubbles up" tree swapping with parent while parent's key is less (use greater for min-heap)
iii. Deletion
Deletion operation can only remove root and must maintain heap invariants: max (or min) element must be root
1 void pop() {
2 heap[1] = heap[heapsize--];
3 fixDown(heap, heapsize, 1);
4 }
Remove root element - results in disjoint heap
Move the last element into the root position
New root "sinks" down the tree swapping with highest priority child whose key is greater (less for min-heap)
iv. Complexity Analysis
Unordered array PQ
$O(1)$ insertion of an item
$O(n)$ inspection of top item
$O(n)$ removal of top item
Sorted array PQ
$O(n)$ insertion of an item
$O(1)$ inspection of top item
$O(1)$ removal of top item
Efficient $O(\log n)$ insertion of an item using fixUp()
$O(1)$ inspection of top item
Efficient $O(\log n)$ removal of top item using fixDown()
Must maintain heap property
i. Heapify (build a heap)
You could start wiht an empty vector, and add elements one at a time, keeping the heap property valid after each push()
Insert n elements, $O(\log n)$ for each push()
produces $O(n \log n)$ time
Requires an extra vector, or $O(n)$ extra memory
Sort in reverse order: $O(n \log n)$; $O(1)$ memory
Instead, modify the given array: proceed from bottom to top or top to buttom, using fixDown()
or fixUp()
4 possibilities; two work and two do not
Those that work have different complexities
ii. Heapsort
Step 1: Swap 81 $\leftrightarrow$ 1 Step 2: Fix-down [1] ... [8] Step 3: Swap 18 $\leftrightarrow$ 2 Step 4: Fix-down [1] ... [7] Step 5: Swap 14 $\leftrightarrow$ 5 Step 6: Fix-down [1] ... [6] Step 7: Swap 9 $\leftrightarrow$ 2 Step 8: Fix-down [1] ... [5] Step 9: Swap 7 $\leftrightarrow$ 1 Step 10: Fix-down [1] ... [4] Step 11: Swap 18 $\leftrightarrow$ 2 Step 12: Fix-down [1] ... [3] Step 13: Swap 14 $\leftrightarrow$ 5 Step 14: Fix-down [1] ... [2] |
Intuition: repeatedly relocate the highest-priority element from PQ to the back.
Easily implemented as an array; entire sort done in place.
1 void heapsort(Item heap[], int n) {
2 heapify(heap, n);
3 for (int i = n; i >= 2; i--) {
4 swap(heap[i], heap[1]);
5 fixDown(heap, i - 1, 1);
6 }
7 }
Part 1: Transform unsorted array into heap (heapify)
Part 2: Remove the highest priority item from heap, add it to sorted sequence, and fix the heap, repeat.
Complexity Analysis
Take the given n elements, convert into a heap
, heapify takes $O(n)$ timeRemove elements one at a time, filling original array from back to front
Swap element at top of heap with last unsorted: $O(1)$
to bottom: each takes $O(\log n)$ time, n of them
Total runtime: $O(n \log n)$