EECS 280: Programming and Introductory Data Structures - UMich

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Official Description from UMich:

Techniques and algorithm development and effective programming, top-down analysis, structured programming, testing, and program correctness. Program language syntax and static and runtime semantics. Scope, procedure instantiation, recursion, abstract data types, and parameter passing methods. Structured data types, pointers, linked data structures, stacks, queues, arrays, records, and trees.

Archived Document(s):

EECS 280 Section 01 - Machine Model (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 02 - Function Calls and the Call Stack (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 03 - Procedural Abstraction (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 04 - Pointers (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 05 - Arrays (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 06 - Compound Objects (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 07 - Strings, Streams, Input, and Output (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 08 - Abstract Data Types in C (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 09 - Abstract Data Types in C++ (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 10 - Inheritance (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 11 - Polymorphism (open in new window)

EECS 280 Summary Part 1 (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 12 - Container ADTs and Polymorphism (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 13 - Dynamic Memory (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 14 - RAII and Growable Containers (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 15 - The Big Three (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 16 - Linked List (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 17 - Iterators (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 18 - Recursion (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 19 - Structural Recursion (List, Tree, and BST) (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 20 - Function Pointers and Functors (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 21 - Maps and Pairs (open in new window)

EECS 280 Section 22 - Error Handling and Exceptions (open in new window)

EECS 280 Summary Part 2 (open in new window)